Thursday, January 14, 2010

For Saint Seiya Fans: The Bronze Saint Victory Charts

Pegasus Seiya's Method
Step 1 - Arrive acting exactly your age: goof about, be overconfident, boast, threaten, brag, assume all the traits of the "party leader", make like you're the Gods' gift to this troop.
Step 2 - Realize your best hit can't touch this guy and have about a minute's worth of complete panic. Give the enemy a chance to explain to you why it failed, because, you know, they always do that and you could use the hint.
Step 3 - Make like you're a sandbag for the enemy and get hit like it was getting out of fashion.
Step 4 - Have an epiphany. Doesn't matter where it comes from. Depending on the season, your source may be Athena, your Master, your estranged sister, your Cosmo, your friends or repeating several lines about your duty and how you can't let everyone down now.
Step 5 -
Depending on the season, either don the Sagittarius cloth, don the Sagittarius cloth with added parts borrowed from the other Saints or find a new hidden sense in your cosmo, no matter how many you have as it is. Your goddamn cosmo spawns new senses the way slum mothers spawn children: often, insistently and almost without noticing.
Step 6 - Win the fight by yourself, in one hit. Preferably the same that failed at the beginning.
Step 7 - Do some sexual tension scenes with Athena. Hug your friends. Cry. Spend a week in the hospital being pestered by orphan kids and that girl who likes you.

Andromeda Shun's Method
Step 1 - Get to the match crying over your brother's absence and dreading the fact you've gotta fight.
Step 2 - Show your opponent some attacks so he has a chance to tell us the Andromeda cloth is one of the most powerful, if not the ubermost powerful, of the Zodiac.
Step 3 - Be tossed around by the opponent like a rag doll, looking even more like a girl in Barbie pink armor. Think of your brother.
Step 4 - Get beaten. Yell for your brother.
Step 5 - Get beaten.
Yell for your brother and claim you can't do this by yourself.
Step 6 - Watch as your brother saves your sorry butt AGAIN, and get scolded about never fighting your own fights. Unless this is the later seasons, completely ignore him.
Step 7 - Watch your brother leave and go seek the next guy whose arse your brother has to kick for you. In case an ally is fallen, further reinforce you're a guy who looks like a girl in an armor that only a girl should've worn by lying down next to him.

Cygnus Hyoga's Method
Step 1 - Go to the fight quietly and appear mature.
Step 2 - Throw in a few good punches, get a few good hits, and keep at it until someone mentions your Mother or your Master.
Step 3 - Go angsty over the fact Mama is at the bottom of the sea or someone iced your master (HA!), depending on what the enemy picked. Note: Should your enemy force you to revive these events by illusion or flashback, get totally into it and whine like a little girl.
Step 4 - Get distressed, whine, lose your concentration and get your nose punched in several times over, in this order.
Step 5 - Call out to Mama, Master or the Master's Master, depending on what season you're in, and whine some more.
Step 6 - Beat your opponent into a pulp by drawing strenght from your despair.
Step 7 - Whine, whine and whine until the audience is sick of you, and then whine some more. Enough for people to assume that had this series be set in modern days, you would most likely be portrayed as a member of the emo tribe. Be perfectly okay and calm for the next conflict.

Dragon Shiryu's Method
Step 1 - Get to the site and boast about in how many pieces you'll be sending your opponent back home. In a respectful and honorable manner of course.
Step 2 - Get the living shit beaten out of you for a whole episode at least.
Step 3 - Strip (this step may be taken before or after steps 4 and 5) and show off your dragon tattoo.
Step 4 - Lose an amount of blood you could fill an Olympic pool with (this step may be taken before or after steps 3 and 5).
Step 5 - If you are blinded at the moment (highly likely), open your eyes like you could see and vacantly stare at the distance for several close shots. If you are not blinded, go blind somehow (this step may be taken before or after steps 3 and 4).
Step 6 - Get the shit beaten out of you a while longer, and eventually win with a single punch that could throw down an entire New York block.
Step 7 - Drop on the floor and bleed quietly until you either regain your strength, your sight, or someone comes in to pick you up. Priority goes to the last option.

Phoenix Ikki's Method
Step 1 - Find somewhere quiet to stay, preferably where nobody goes to bother you. An active volcano in the middle of nowhere is good.
Step 2 - Sit there being awesome and "lone wolf" like for most of the fighting, until both Saints and the audience are tired of wondering when you're gonna show up.
Step 3 - If your brother calls, wait another thirty minutes and then go to his aid before he gets his ass handed to him. If anyone else does, wait fifteen minutes and go show them how it's done.
Step 4 - Arrive to the battle site and beat the shit out of your opponent. If your brother was the one to call for your help, scold him. If not, completely ignore your allies for the duration of the fight.
Step 5 - Ultimately defeat your opponent in the most badass way available.
Step 6 (optional) - Should you die, shrug it off and pat away the dust from your cloth. You're the Phoenix Saint, man! You're like the curse in Ju-On, it just won't die!
Step 7 - Go back to your seat and stay there. Wait until someone is about to get killed horribly and repeat.

Athena's Method
Step 1 - Stay at a distance and pay aid to your Saints by manner of some God-leveled power which only does half the job, and that's if they know how to properly use it.
Step 2 - Pull a Princess Peach and get kidnapped and taken far the fuck away. Atop a set of stairs that could make Rocky quit is good. Somewhere in a frozen wasteland too. Bottom of the sea? Why not. Hell? Ohoho, you totally got it...
Step 3 - Socialize with the enemy. Because, you know, a lady's gotta have manners.
Step 4 - Pray for your Saints. To whom, I wonder? You're a Goddess, lady, who are you gonna pray to? Well, pray anyway.
Step 5 - Socialize with the enemy some more. What else is there to do, anyway? If it's a man, take the chance to practice your flirting skills. If it's a woman, be a passive-aggressive bitch all the time you're there.
Step 6 - See your Saints arrive and do the epic last battle while you hold onto your staff and look pretty.
Step 7 - Just before they manage to retrieve you, get kidnapped again. The "We're sorry, but our Princess is in another castle" line is optional. From here on, forget step 1 for the duration of the series.

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